If you've followed our site for a bit, it comes at no surprise to you that we are a football family. Obsessed even.
So, as you can imagine, this time of year is our absolute favorite. College football season is kicking off and the NFL preseason is just winding down. Plus, ya know, I have a Fantasy Football title to defend. Big things are at stake here people! ;)
Today happened to be College Day at school for Little Miss, where the kiddos were encouraged to wear their favorite college shirt. She, of course, wore her University of Michigan shirt (the fella and her favorite) and since they play football tonight against Utah, I knew a fun lunch was in need.
Details on this lunch are included below (click that expand and read more button!) + fun football lunches we've made in the past, for added inspiration, for the fan in your family!
For this lunch, I used an Udi's Gluten Free (also nut, dairy, & soy free) Whole Grain Bagel and filled it with pizza sauce, cheese, and salami for a yummy pizza bagel.
The top half, I had cut out a football helmet from one slice of GF bread and the bagel top, then placed it inside the cutout to create the effect. Very simple, seriously, it just involved a football helmet cookie cutter! That's it.
Surrounding it in the EasyLunchboxes container were carrot coins. I also packed apple slices and a pumpkin white bean brownie with a fun football themed cupcake ring & pick.
Want even more football lunch ideas?
Click HERE to scroll through them or directly on the photos included below:
(^ this one is really old, LOL - preGF.
Cracks me up looking through old lunch ideas)
(^ and simply for added fun!)
Get out! You are crazy adorable. What kid would not go bonkers to have this lunch. My fear is that kids will start faking food allergies just to get at your daughter's grub! Keep up the amazing work.