Friday, June 17, 2011

Mission Organization: Front Entry Way

Why not start a new blog thread?!... "Mission Organization" it is.
This will be me tackling little things around the house in an effort to better organize and create efficiency.

Today's task was simple and clear: Cleaning up and organizing the front entry way.

I love our front entry. When you walk in, there's a shelf and hook on both sides, before you come to another door into the actual house.

It had become overrun by coats (some winter which no longer need to be kept here), hat, scarves, and gloves.

Obviously my method for storing the hats and gloves was not pretty. lol

I got these great collapsible storage cubes from the DOLLAR STORE!
(Can't beat getting organized for $1! Okay, maybe free but still... you get my point.)

I hung the winter coats into another storage closet area (where they're suppose to be in the summer *ahem*), keeping only the springy/ rainy type weather coats we're still using and also hanging up Little Miss's backpack.

I used the containers I bought and filled them - one with gloves, one with scarves, and one with hats. :) Looks MUCH nicer.

Next mission... the shelves in the spare room. (Eeek!)

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