I can't believe it's back to school time already! Time to gather up those school supplies, make sure clothing still fits, and dust off those lunch bags and lunch boxes that have been sitting in the back of the cabinet or pantry for the summer.
I've put together a BUNCH of my round-up posts all in one place. Just bookmark or PIN this post and you'll have HUNDREDS of lunch ideas right at your fingertips!
Gluten Free Eggnog Cookies are a delicious treat for the holidays and for Santa!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Horizon Organic. The opinions and text are all mine.
I love creating Christmas cookies with my Little Miss for the holidays. The hardest part isn't the baking... it's keeping her from eating them all!
She just recently tried eggnog for the first time. Her first taste was of my dairy free nog. Then when I told her our friends at Horizon wanted us to come up with a fun holiday recipe, she was delighted to discover they made eggnog for her dairy loving heart. So, we gave it a go and made these yummy Gluten Free Eggnog Cookies.
I was given the opportunity to travel to North Dakota to visit Red River Commodities and the sunflower fields that make
Top 8 Allergen & Gluten Free SunButter Sunflower Butter and to learn about their processes, as well as, commitment to allergen control.
Below is the sponsored post as it relates to the brand and my trip. All opinions are my own. Disclosure.
I've been fortunate over the past few years to get to know many food allergy and gluten free brands on a deeper level. Having been afforded the opportunity to attend meetings, talk to the owners, and even travel on their behalf.
Although they're doing great things by providing us with a product, there are few out there that truly care about our community with drive and passion. It's not just a profit, they realize they're a part of something much greater going on. They're changing lives... saving lives. For me, SunButter saved ours almost ten years ago.
Sandwich Bros pocket sandwiches are a protein packed fun food option that is completely nut-free!
Products are not gluten-free. The following post is a sponsored review. All opinions are my own. Disclosure.
I have a great find for our nut free friends! As busy families, we're always on the go and looking for easy and delicious food items that can satisfy our kids.
I also love when I can find ways to turn those items into lunchbox smiles. Sandwich Bros offer protein packed pocket sandwiches, that are great for snacks, lunches, parties, and more. Available in snack meal & breakfast sandwich varieties.
Gluten Free Macaroni Monster Eyes: An Easy to Make & Fun Treat for Kids for Halloween
This post is sponsored by #HorizonOrganic. All opinions are my own. Read the full disclosure here.
One of the reasons I love Halloween so much is getting to create fun and ghoulish treats!
The main goal of my posts has always been to focus on the can-haves instead of the cannots, by creating smiles and fun with food. It's something I've done for my own Little Miss since she was first diagnosed with food allergies and later a gluten intolerance.
Being a typical child, one of her favorite foods is macaroni and cheese. So, I wanted to create a fun bite sized treat that I could pack her for lunch or even serve up at a Halloween party as a delicious bite.
These Baked Gluten Free Macaroni Monster Eyes are easy to make and your kiddos will smile and laugh as they pick them up to eat! All you need is one box of Horizon Organic Gluten Free White Cheddar Cheesy Mac, shredded cheese, and sliced olives.
Gluten Free & Top 8 Allergen Free "Cupcakes for Two" Recipe + Baking Chocolate Snack Packs Giveaway!
This post is sponsored by Enjoy Life Foods. All opinions are my own. Read full disclosure here.
Anyone who has tried Enjoy Life Foods#1 Selling Allergy-Friendly Baking Chocolate knows it's hard to resist not eating them straight from the bag.
That's why their new Baking Chocolate Snack Packs are perfect for those chocolate cravings. Throw them in your purse, pack them for lunch, or bake up something delicious. Like my "Cupcakes for Two" recipe that is gluten free & top 8 allergen free. Just grab one Snack Pack and follow my easy steps!
{Giveaway} Make sure you enter below for a chance to win some for yourself!
Tips for a Safe & Happy Halloween with Food Allergies: Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared!
This post is sponsored by Nice 'n CLEAN. Read my full disclosure statement here.
This time of year the stress level of a food allergy parent skyrockets. Food centered holidays involving parties at school, church, with friends, and with family. I'm often asked how we handle them, especially Halloween. My answer: Don't be scared, be prepared!
Little Miss is now eleven and we have never shied away from participating in Trick or Treating. Since a young age, we have always had a plan in place and I've taught her how to handle situations.
That being said, it's important as parents we are prepared with how to deal with situations as they arise and should your child come in contact with an allergen. Always carry epinephrine auto-injectors, inhalers, antihistamines, and Nice 'n CLEAN Antibacterial Hand Wipes.
This post is sponsored by Terra's Kitchen. Read my full disclosure statement here.
To my surprise, Terra's Kitchen Meal-Kit Service has a great selection of Gluten Free, Paleo (grain free, legume free, dairy free, starch free), and/or Vegetarian options. It also gives you a quick glance of what allergen each recipe contains. This mom loves that! It also utilizes organic and non-GMO ingredients, when possible.
What exactly is a Meal-Kit Service? It's Dinner Delivered! You choose the recipes you want, they do the chopping/ prepping, and it's delivered right to your doorstep in a climate-controlled vessel! Then, you get to enjoy a delicious meal in 30 minutes or less.
SunButter & Jelly French Toast Sandwiches are a fun treat for kids for breakfast or lunches! This recipe is allergen-friendly & egg-free, depending on the brand of bread you use.
Making french toast for breakfast is always a fun change-up in our household. We are typically a pancake or eggs kind of family.
However, I always challenge myself to make things as allergen-friendly (and gluten free) as possible when I'm working on new recipes or ideas to share here.
Years ago, I was playing around with my own recipe for egg-free/ dairy-free apple cinnamon french toast. I decided to circle back around and find a way to amp that up + make a fun recipe that could be used for both breakfast or lunches!
Over the years I have followed amazing gluten free and food allergy free-from blogs. Some of the authors have even become personal friends.
I look at their recipes. I drool. I want to make them. But I don't. And it's meant to no offense to them.
Sometimes they contain a nut based flour. Or sometimes a flour that can't be purchased locally. Or more often than not, it's a flour blend where I have to literally go out and buy six bags of different flours just to create a special blend they want for the recipe.
I understand that it's what makes it "just perfect". But, for me, it's just not happening.
If I can't make it with an all-purpose flour, then I'm not going to bother. I just don't have the money or pantry space to invest in the others. It's also sometimes difficult to find top 8 free alternative flours that are needed for those special blends. Many contain CC warnings.
Thus why I started testing this Sandwich Thin recipe to begin with. I wanted it to be easy. I wanted it to use a gluten free AP flour, I wanted it to be top 8 allergen free, and I wanted it to be something geared towards my readers - something you could use in the lunch box, of course!