Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lunch Made Easy: All Signs Point to Thursday! <--

"All Signs Point to Thursday!"
Today's theme is with arrows :)

I made sandwich cutouts with my arrow cutter and then outlined the arrows with my food color pen.
There is a cup of cauliflower with a cheese arrow cutout on top.
Some ruffles wavy chips with another cheese arrow on top.
She LOVES dry spinach leaves (don't know where she gets it from *points to self*) so there's a few laying ontop of a wrapped chocolate cupcake for dessert, and two additional cheese arrows on top.
I scatterd arrow some blueberries for additional color.
I then drew an arrow on the lid of her disney princess yoplait yogurt with a permanent marker, just for fun. :)

This was my first attempt at doing a mini-sealed cutout sandwich. Why stalking reading other blogs yesterday (lol) I saw a link that was on Glory's Blog that gave instructions how-to.
This was my first attempt. Not too shabby! ;)


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