
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lunch Made Easy: Simple Nut & Gluten Free School Lunchbox Ideas

Truth be told, Little Miss is off school today but spending the day with her sitter instead while Mama is working.
I still pack her an {Allergy Friendly} lunch box, wherever she goes.
The same principles apply - Nut Free & Gluten Free without sacrificing taste and fun fixins'. The lunch is also Egg Free.  

Packed in our Goodbyn Bynto Raspberry, Little Miss has apple slices (I soaked them in apple juice to keep from browning) and carrots for dipping in her SunButter Creamy cup. SunButter is nut, gluten, egg, and dairy free. It's also vegan & kosher.
In the middle she has a Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk Box and a cheese stick. For dairy free, you can obviously sub out ~ try a SoDelicious coconut milk box for example ~ and omit the cheese stick for another snack.  
In the bottom is BoomChickaPop ~ All-natural, non-gmo, sea salt popcorn. It's also {Allergy Free}.


  1. Love this simple lunch! Thanks for the tip about apples. I've used lemon juice in the past and you can imagine how that went. I wish my daughter would eat sun butter, but probably not likely since she doesn't even enjoy nut butters. I can always sub with hummus :) I love the links to all the products too, though you may make my amazon bills go up, ha!

  2. Can't wait to try your advice on apples! They're the only fruit my youngest likes & I'd love to be able to send a few slices with him. Thank you!

  3. Can't wait to share this with my daughter-in-law. My Granddaughter will start packing her lunch next school year and getting her to eat a sandwich is out of the question. By using your ideas she will get a nutritious lunch that is both fun and filling.

  4. How do you keep the milk cold enough? I put in icepacks but the milk doesn't seem to stay cold enough unless I put it in a thermos

    1. Ice packs do the trick for us, just fine. It may be that your ice pack is not a "good enough" one if it's not lasting a few hours until lunch time. More tips: Check out this great post by MOMables on how to pack dairy for lunch:

  5. A bit of sea salt in water will keep slices apples white for a long time! Just soak them in a small bowl before packing in the lunch box.


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